Aprueban Ley para prevenir la ludopatía en casinostragamonedas

Huaral Pe

El Pleno del Congreso aprobó el aprobó la Ley para la prevención y el tratamiento de la ludopatía en las salas de juego de casinos y máquinas tragamonedas, en la que se plantea la creación de un registro de personas prohibidas de acceder a estos establecimientos.

Sustentaron la propuesta consensuada el presidente de la Comisión de Salud, Segundo Tapia Bernal (GPF), y la presidenta de la Comisión de Comercio Exterior, Luciana León Romero (CP).

El texto aprobado plantea la creación del registro de personas prohibidas de ingresar a establecimientos destinados a la explotación de juegos de casino y máquinas tragamonedas, a cargo del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo.

Se precisa que en este registro se inscribirán las personas de manera voluntaria, aquellas con discapacidad de juicio esté afectada, la cuales es determinada por una Junta Médica, a solicitud de la familia.

Se agrega que para la autorización del funcionamiento de juegos de casino y máquinas tragamonedas, los interesados deberán presentar un plan de prevención de la Ludopatía, que debe contener los compromisos de la empresa para reducir los riesgos de la ludopatía en la población.

Desde su escaño, el presidente del Congreso, Daniel Abugattás Majluf, intervino para señalar que sería difícil impedir el ingreso de ludópatas en los juegos de casinos y máquinas tragamonedas. También intervinieron los congresistas Gustavo Rondón (SN), Martha Chávez (GPF), Pedro Spadaro (GPF), Jaime Delgado (NGP), Rogelio Canches (NGP), Eduardo Nayap (NGP), Omar Chehade (NGP) y Martín Belaunde (SN), entre otros.

La propuesta obtuvo 96 votos a favor uno en contra, cuatro abstenciones y fue exonerada del trámite de la segunda votación.

De otro lado, la Representación Nacional aprobó la Ley General de la Persona con Discapacidad, que establece un marco legal para la promoción, protección y realización, en condiciones de igualdad, de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, promoviendo su desarrollo e inclusión social.

La norma consta de 80 artículos y define a la persona con discapacidad como aquella que tiene una o más deficiencias físicas, sensoriales, mentales e intelectuales de carácter permanente que ejerzan o pueda verse impedido en el ejercicio de sus derechos y su inclusión plena y efectiva en la sociedad, en igualdad de condiciones que los demás.

Señala que las empresas de transporte público terrestre de pasajeros deberán contar con unidades accesibles para personas con discapacidad y personas adultas mayores.

También se precisa que tienen derecho a la salud y educación sin discriminación, Asimismo, se señala que este sector tiene el derecho a laborar en un trabajo libremente elegido con oportunidades y remuneración en igualdad de condiciones que los demás, entre otros beneficios.

Entre los aportes que se destaca en la norma es la ampliación de la cuota de empleo en las empresas públicas de tres por ciento a cinco por ciento a favor de personas con discapacidad.

Asimismo, la cuota de empleo en las empresas públicas privadas que cuenten con más de 50 trabajadores será del tres por ciento en forma obligatoria.

La norma fue aprobada con 106 votos a favor y fue exonerada del trámite de la segunda votación.


Huaral Pe


  1. She flicked off the lights and pushed him against the wall. A frame fell face down on the floor and shattered next to them. She didn’t allow him to take notice. She bit at his bottom lip, tugging his face, commanding him to follow her lead as she walked backwards down the hallway, deeper into the darkness, her darkness. And he, submitting to her bestial strength, simply weaved his fingers into the rust of her hair and bowed to her dominion. Like a lowly, unassuming insect, captivated by her hellfire glow.
    Halfway down the hall, she slammed him back first into the wall again, harder than before — no frames there that time. She clawed at his chest under his shirt as she ate his kiss once more and bit down his neck; the groans he breathed out into the obscurity flinched sharply as her fangs grew less and less forgiving.

    His buckle caught the flash of lamplight seeping in from somewhere outside as she tugged at the leather strap of his belt. She ran her fingers up and back down the front of his chest, back down to his waist, and unclasped his belt, plucking it from the loops with a single sliding pull. Feverishly, she tore his pants open and moved them, along with his boxers, down just enough to reveal his smug erection. With both palms on his board-firm chest, she smirked at him, kissed him once more, a little softer than before, and squatted down before him.

  2. She flicked off the lights and pushed him against the wall. A frame fell face down on the floor and shattered next to them. She didn’t allow him to take notice. She bit at his bottom lip, tugging his face, commanding him to follow her lead as she walked backwards down the hallway, deeper into the darkness, her darkness. And he, submitting to her bestial strength, simply weaved his fingers into the rust of her hair and bowed to her dominion. Like a lowly, unassuming insect, captivated by her hellfire glow.
    Halfway down the hall, she slammed him back first into the wall again, harder than before — no frames there that time. She clawed at his chest under his shirt as she ate his kiss once more and bit down his neck; the groans he breathed out into the obscurity flinched sharply as her fangs grew less and less forgiving.

    His buckle caught the flash of lamplight seeping in from somewhere outside as she tugged at the leather strap of his belt. She ran her fingers up and back down the front of his chest, back down to his waist, and unclasped his belt, plucking it from the loops with a single sliding pull. Feverishly, she tore his pants open and moved them, along with his boxers, down just enough to reveal his smug erection. With both palms on his board-firm chest, she smirked at him, kissed him once more, a little softer than before, and squatted down before him.

  3. She flicked off the lights and pushed him against the wall. A frame fell face down on the floor and shattered next to them. She didn’t allow him to take notice. She bit at his bottom lip, tugging his face, commanding him to follow her lead as she walked backwards down the hallway, deeper into the darkness, her darkness. And he, submitting to her bestial strength, simply weaved his fingers into the rust of her hair and bowed to her dominion. Like a lowly, unassuming insect, captivated by her hellfire glow.
    Halfway down the hall, she slammed him back first into the wall again, harder than before — no frames there that time. She clawed at his chest under his shirt as she ate his kiss once more and bit down his neck; the groans he breathed out into the obscurity flinched sharply as her fangs grew less and less forgiving.

    His buckle caught the flash of lamplight seeping in from somewhere outside as she tugged at the leather strap of his belt. She ran her fingers up and back down the front of his chest, back down to his waist, and unclasped his belt, plucking it from the loops with a single sliding pull. Feverishly, she tore his pants open and moved them, along with his boxers, down just enough to reveal his smug erection. With both palms on his board-firm chest, she smirked at him, kissed him once more, a little softer than before, and squatted down before him.

  4. She flicked off the lights and pushed him against the wall. A frame fell face down on the floor and shattered next to them. She didn’t allow him to take notice. She bit at his bottom lip, tugging his face, commanding him to follow her lead as she walked backwards down the hallway, deeper into the darkness, her darkness. And he, submitting to her bestial strength, simply weaved his fingers into the rust of her hair and bowed to her dominion. Like a lowly, unassuming insect, captivated by her hellfire glow.
    Halfway down the hall, she slammed him back first into the wall again, harder than before — no frames there that time. She clawed at his chest under his shirt as she ate his kiss once more and bit down his neck; the groans he breathed out into the obscurity flinched sharply as her fangs grew less and less forgiving.

    His buckle caught the flash of lamplight seeping in from somewhere outside as she tugged at the leather strap of his belt. She ran her fingers up and back down the front of his chest, back down to his waist, and unclasped his belt, plucking it from the loops with a single sliding pull. Feverishly, she tore his pants open and moved them, along with his boxers, down just enough to reveal his smug erection. With both palms on his board-firm chest, she smirked at him, kissed him once more, a little softer than before, and squatted down before him.

  5. She flicked off the lights and pushed him against the wall. A frame fell face down on the floor and shattered next to them. She didn’t allow him to take notice. She bit at his bottom lip, tugging his face, commanding him to follow her lead as she walked backwards down the hallway, deeper into the darkness, her darkness. And he, submitting to her bestial strength, simply weaved his fingers into the rust of her hair and bowed to her dominion. Like a lowly, unassuming insect, captivated by her hellfire glow.
    Halfway down the hall, she slammed him back first into the wall again, harder than before — no frames there that time. She clawed at his chest under his shirt as she ate his kiss once more and bit down his neck; the groans he breathed out into the obscurity flinched sharply as her fangs grew less and less forgiving.

    His buckle caught the flash of lamplight seeping in from somewhere outside as she tugged at the leather strap of his belt. She ran her fingers up and back down the front of his chest, back down to his waist, and unclasped his belt, plucking it from the loops with a single sliding pull. Feverishly, she tore his pants open and moved them, along with his boxers, down just enough to reveal his smug erection. With both palms on his board-firm chest, she smirked at him, kissed him once more, a little softer than before, and squatted down before him.